Ecology + Design

Spring is Around the Corner…Are You Ready ?

This winter has been really mild. If you look closely you will probably see bulbs breaking the surface. Early spring is a fantastic, interesting time and season in our lives. The fresh, green smell of rebirth and renewal is in the air. It’s said that in the winter the earth inhales and in spring and summer, the earth exhales.

After these dreary, gray, overcast days we really look forward to the sun and even better…bright, vibrant, joyful color !

Nothing cheers my mood up quite like the sight of flowering plants emerging from the cold, dark ground backdropped by rich evergreens.

So get ready ! It’s not too early to think about cleaning up your property. Even if it snows or rains, by cleaning up early, edging and mulching the landscape beds, you will make sure to get the most enjoyment from your landscape. Spring cleanup is not complicated, simply remove branches, twigs and debris, mulch, chip and compost leaves. A light raking of your lawn is all you need. If the ground is soft or wet, not frozen, we might lay down plywood on the lawn so the wheelbarrows of mulch do not do any damage.

Now is the best time to prune deadwood and shape your trees and shrubs. Light pruning of hydrangea, spirea etc. would be excellent. Remember less is more if you are unsure of what to prune when. Don’t forget Hydrangea bloom on last years growth. We had a late freeze and frost followed by hot sun last spring which certainly limited flowering last summer season. Talk to your local cooperative extension for more info. For more info on pruning look to Dirr,s Manual of Woody Plants (the Bible) or check out Lee Reich,s ; The Pruning Book. This is an awesome resource !

Mulch before the bulbs and perennials come out so you or your landscape crews don’t step on the tender eyes and fragile/vulnerable new growth. I absolutely feel better when I’m not waiting for spring to start because let’s tell the truth, I don’t know when that would happen but I know if I plan early I will be ready at any time to enjoy the joyful blossoms of early spring…so don’t miss it !

Jay Archer, President

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